Tonight, I’ll be out in Donnybrook to give a talk, hosted by The Irish Catholic on “Having Better Fights about Religion.” If you don’t have time to make it to Dublin, it looks like the talk is going to be livestreamed through iCatholic (7pm in Dublin), and I’ll post a link to the video (presuming it exists) after the fact.
Earlier this week, I also sat down with Michael Nugent of Atheist Ireland for a casual chat (which turned out to run about an hour and a half). I’ve embedded the videos of our chat below, but, since I’m speaking on productive debate tactics tonight, I’ll mention it probably would have been a better idea on both our parts to narrow the focus of our conversation a bit. We just went with him asking me whatever questions came to mind, but it would have been nice to wind up with shorter videos on specific questions, rather than a straight hour and a half tape of a freewheeling discussion.
The link for the first video may vanish at some point today, since the audio is slightly out of sync, and Atheist Ireland may replace it.