#Patheos5yrs : Thanks for Faith, Voodoo and the Devil

#Patheos5yrs : Thanks for Faith, Voodoo and the Devil May 5, 2014

Patheos is 5 years old today. Five years of the conversation on Faith has expanded up our minds and hopefully our hearts. I’m a recent addition to the Patheos Pagan blogging team but I can honestly say I’m glad to be here. Patheos has opened up some difficult topics for discussion with my blog Voodoo Universe. My most popular piece to date was The Voodoo Truth About Papa Legba. As I write this it has received over 21,500 shares. It talks about how Voodoo has been demonized over the years in media and what the real truth is about this ancient religion. I talk about Papa Lebga our Voodoo guardian, and Marie Laveau the first Queen of the New Orleans tradition. The Truth about Voodoo is out there, thank you Patheos for letting me share it !


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