Top Ten Survival Tips for Pagan Festivals

Top Ten Survival Tips for Pagan Festivals July 3, 2014

Top Ten Survival Tips For Pagan festivals photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved .


We are sarong deep in that time again people. Pagan festival season lets us get our freak on from Canada to Florida, and our sacred souls need it. Those seeking me out can find me at the Sankofa, Sirius Rising, and Earth Warriors Vanguard Festivals, and stay tuned to this blog and my ever evolving sacred schedule. If you find me at one of my workshops or where I’m vending, I will have a special something for you.

I’ve been attending Pagan festivals for over two decades now, and I have gleaned a few survival tips I’d like to share with you.



  1. What happens at the festival stays at the festival, now that’s not to say there aren’t many people who have met their true love at a Pagan event, myself included, but for the most part the atmosphere is one of love and fuzziness that doesn’t necessarily survive the journey home.
  2. Baby Wipes- Doesn’t matter if you are preparing for the Zombie apocalypse or a Pagan event, these wonderful things come in handy. Now there are others practicals too like bungee cords and dog ties, but that is a blog post of a different color and a list post for another day. I do like to add a few drops of lavendar oil to my wipes, it is anti-bacterial and spiritual at the same time.
  3. Check your presenters credentials ! At one time, back in the day, most of the presenters at events were scholars,authors, and longtime practitioners, unfortunately this is no longer the case. I’m not condemning people for not having training, but it is a requirement before you start to teach others.
  4. Be Nice. Drive slow if it’s an outdoor event. Read the rules.  Line up quietly and courteously, maybe you didn’t get a full night’s sleep, that guy on line for coffee ahead of you probably didn’t either 😉
  5. Be careful. These woods can be treacherous.
  6. Keep your eye on your drink, money, children, etc. Again I seriously hope your event is an atmosphere of love, peace and trust, but we still must keep our wits about us.
  7. You may see some things you don’t agree with or don’t understand, keep an open mind and remember do unto others…yada yada.
  8. Try to help your neighbor. It’s much easier to put up a tent or find a lost workshop when you work together.
  9. It’s a process. I remember when I had only been attending events for 2 or 3 years and I turned to my campmate a long-time camper and event lecturer and asked “Does it get easier? Do you remember everything you need ? Have you figured it out?” His response was simply “Hell no, there is always something.”
  10. Have fun. I promise you, your first or your fourteenth festival you will find things you like, things you hate, and things you love.

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