Missing My Friends: An Ancestor Poem

Missing My Friends: An Ancestor Poem April 14, 2015

Photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
Photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

Maybe it’s because pagans are calling for a Margot Adler day this April 16, which would have been her 69th birthday. She was a great leader, a visionary, and a friend. By the way I think it’s a great idea. I miss her,… and Isaac Bonewits and Shaughn , and Cayne, and Nia and all the others taken too soon. I miss them on this and every day. I try to remember their laughter and their inspiring lives and make each day count. I wrote this poem for them this morning. Candles burning, eyes tearing, and still a glimmer of a rainbow to come from these storms. Blessings to you and them !


Missing My Friends: An Ancestor Poem


I’m missing my departed friends today

like you miss a wish or a warming star

I’m missing my friends today

’cause I wonder where you are….


You peek at us through shadows,

And through eyes dark and cold.

You remind us we were all young once

And that everyone gets old.


I’ll raise a glass of single malt,

and light a candle fiery true.

I’ll remember all the times we shared,

and make a rainbow from this moody blue.


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