An Orisha Oshun Herbal

An Orisha Oshun Herbal August 4, 2016

Oshun herbals photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.
Oshun herbals photo by Lilith Dorsey. All rights reserved.

In the religion of La Regla Lucumi (more commonly known as Santeria) the universe is populated not with Gods but with Orisha. These are the sacred forces that make up the world. The Orisha of Love, Beauty, Money and Gold is called Oshun. She is honored with a variety of herbs and flowers. These include rose, primrose, lavender, rosemary, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, lotus, daisy, and more. The herbs can be used for offering, or added to a candle, bath or floorwash to connect to this divine force. If you have enjoyed what you read here please remember to share, and follow us on Pinterest, instagram, twitter, and facebook for more news, information, and upcoming events.

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