Video:Maple Honey Spiced Nuts Recipe for Yule

Video:Maple Honey Spiced Nuts Recipe for Yule December 16, 2017

Sugar Maple - Acer Saccharum photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Sugar Maple – Acer Saccharum photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

In many ways the culinary landscape of winter is colored with maple. The sugar maple is the state tree of Vermont, New York, and Wisconsin, wow it’s popular. There are many legends surrounding Maple syrup in particular, many from Indigenous North Americans. In an online history of folklore of syrup we find the following myth ” a chieftain yanks his tomahawk out of a tree one warm day before heading off to hunt, and sap spilled out and collected in a container at the base of the tree. His wife, thinking this was water, took it home and cooked dinner in it. However, the boiling turned sap to maple syrup making the meal taste better than it ever had previously. And so syrup was discovered.”

This Yule Maple Honey Spiced Nuts recipe came in a snowy moment of inspiration. It’s almost Maple Syrup day, December 17th as I write this post. Maple is magickally used to bring gold and also love. The wood is said to promote intelligence, abundance, and joy ! It seems like a delicious addition to my Honey Love Nuts recipe.

Maple Honey Spiced Nuts Recipe


1 Tbs Honey

1 1/2 Tbs Maple syrup

2 Tbs butter

2 lbs nuts (can be cashews, peanuts, almonds, pecans, or other nut of your choice)

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp. paprika

1/2 tsp. onion powder

1 tsp. dried parsley

Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Gently warm butter, honey, and Maple syrup in a hot water bath or in the microwave. Add spices and mix well. Stir in nuts. Spread onto a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Bake in oven for 15- 20 minutes stirring occasionally. Enjoy !

This is just one of many seasonal recipes to enjoy ! Feasting and celebrating is one of the most sublime ways to spend the Holiday ! For more tasty recipes please have a look at my post 10 Easy Holiday Recipes for Pagans and my ebook African-American Ritual Cooking ! What are your Yule traditions and treasures? I would love to hear about them in the comments below. Wishing you a joyous holiday season ! Hope you get all you wish for this time of year ! And if you like what you have found here spread the spirit and share this post !


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