June 18, 2018

This week on Witchcraft & Voodoo we look at some of the instances, offenders, and questionable practices. Listen as we talk about everything from  Voodoo dolls sold at the airport, to colonizers and recorded history, to smudge sticks and sage. Read more

June 16, 2018

Everyone needs an easy yes or no method for tarot reading. Sometimes you need a quick and simple answer, and you don't have the time or other things needed for a full reading. It is possible to do a yes or no reading with other divination methods,.... Read more

June 9, 2018

The Victorian language of flowers used this to represent an appreciation of delicate beauty. Hibiscus is a common ingredient used in both kitchen magic and spellwork. Read more

June 5, 2018

It's always a pleasure when I get to talk about sacred art and history, and it's always a pleasure when I get to talk to a fellow devotee of African Traditional Religion, so you can imagine my great joy when I got to visit the studio of Mahalia Stines. Stines is a Brooklyn based multi-disciplinary artist and designer. Read more

June 1, 2018

Magickally for me bridges are sacred sights that always represent a connection, a transition between realms. In a way they are what we call liminal, or in between spaces. As any witch knows, these in-between spaces is where the magick can happen. Read more

May 29, 2018

Anne Boleyn had them, I have them, my daughters, have them, and my mother too... there are probably more than 5 witch marks that make you magick by birth according to myth and legend, but here are some to look at. Read more

May 24, 2018

Five Finger Grass is one of the most popular herbs used in Hoodoo and Conjure magick. The five elongated leaves on this plant resemble fingers, and that is how it got its name. Read more

May 21, 2018

Hopefully, many of my readers watched and enjoyed the Video series Witchcraft & Voodoo presented by myself and my co-host Sable Aradia, I'm glad to say we're back. Glad is too tame a word, I'm absolutely overjoyed. Read more

May 17, 2018

People are raving about Angela Kaufman and her new book Queen Up ! Reclaim Your Crown When Life Knocks You Down. I recently took a look at the book, and you can read my review here. So you can imagine my joy when she agreed to be interviewed as part of our Divination Space Station series. Read more

May 12, 2018

Lately everyone is all about the Warrior Women of Wakanda. The cunning and command that these females of Black Panther show us is truly inspiring. However, when people think of real “Amazon” warriors, women armed and ready to defend their territory, most often the group they are thinking of are the original warrior women of Dahomey. The UK based Sun writes ” Black Panther has been dubbed the superhero blockbuster of the year – and it’s got fans talking about what... Read more

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