July 30, 2018

For some licorice root is merely and ingredient in candy, but its magickal history is much more complex. Used in Hoodoo, Conjure, and traditional European magicks this root is certainly a worthy addition to the witch's arsenal. Read more

July 27, 2018

#Blerds like me have taken issue with Joss Whedon of late, and this Buffy may be the chance he needs to partially redeem himself. Read more

July 25, 2018

Rum can be used as a tribute at the start of a ritual, as an offering to the ancestors or Orisha during a ritual, or to cleanse and protect yourself as part of a closing to a ceremony.  Read more

July 16, 2018

People eat three times a day or more, however the idea of sacred food is often lost. This time around on our youtube series Witchcraft & Voodoo my co-host Sable Aradia and I discuss food in our respective traditions. Please watch as we discuss everything.... Read more

July 13, 2018

Water is life, and Rose Water is no exception. A long time ingredient in Hoodoo and other types of magick, Rose Water is a sweet and refreshing element in many different types of spells and rituals. Read more

July 9, 2018

If you buy only one magick book in your lifetime, other than one of my books, it should be Psychomagic by Alejandro Jodorowsky. It operates on multiple levels to give insight on the true primal foundations of magick. Read more

July 5, 2018

If you have never tried Hoodoo Money Rice you don't know what you are missing. Hoodoo has always been full of interesting and creative spells, and lucky green money rice is one of the most popular. Practitioners use this rice for good luck, success, money drawing,and prosperity. Read more

July 2, 2018

There is no doubt corn is magickal. It's origins go back to at least 7,000 BCE when it was first domesticated. Corn comes in many different colors and forms, and is said to be spiritually ruled by the moon. Read more

June 29, 2018

When it comes to Hoodoo herbs Jezebel Root is one of the most notorious. Also called Louisiana iris root, it can be used for success in gambling, business, and love magick. Read more

June 21, 2018

It is almost as if the soul of Marie Laveau can still be felt on this day. Feasts, rituals, and ceremonies honor her and the drummer and spiritual Dr. John Montanee on St. John's Eve. Read more

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