Where is hope?
Where is hope when there is none to be found?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when all you see is the reflection of failure when you stare into the mirror?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when your loved ones are judged by the the color of their skin and not by the love in their hearts?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when every breath you take feels like pieces of coarse sandpaper rubbing against one another?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when your nightmares have become yours dreams were aborted so long ago?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when you have .23 cents to your name?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when you’re labeled a fraud and the reality of your pain falls upon deaf ears?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when you have no more prayers to pray?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when you are publicly crucified for the one whom you love?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when your neighbor is forced to call The Divine by the name we call Her and not by their own?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when the other oppresses the other?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when tears and blood soak the soil of the land that our children are to one day inherit?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when Shame is the only name you know how to answer to?
Where is hope?
Where is hope to be found when concrete walls become our only solution for safety?
Where is hope?
Where is hope when the voice of the concrete wilderness no longer can be heard?
Where is hope?
Where is the hope when your fear is so palatable there is nothing else to write?
Where is hope?
Are we are missing the point?