Support for Sami: Follow Up

Support for Sami: Follow Up November 15, 2013

A couple of months ago I asked for your help in supporting friends of mine who are going through a very difficult time with their three-year-old daughter who is fighting for her life against a heart condition.

We raised some money to help her struggling family deal with the costs of nine different medications, frequent trips to a hospital in another state, surgeries, co-pays, not to mention the every day regular expenses a family has.

Of the $5,000 that they have asked for (which I think is quite a modest amount, considering how expensive medical care is and how quickly those costs add up), $2,285 has been raised. So we’ve made it about half way to their goal!

I would like to show them the true compassion and generosity of the human spirit and the value we Hindus put on taking care of others. I would like to far exceed their goal.

I’ve donated, and you all know how cheap I am! I struggle a lot with money and it’s been tight with my husband being out of work, but it’s nothing compared to what Sami’s family is struggling with. With so much happening that I can’t help with, I’m relieved to be able to help monetarily. It’s something I can do for Sami.

I hope that you’ll consider helping out in this worthy cause. Here is the page for donations: Support For Sami

To hear more about Sami’s story, see my previous post: A Good Cause.

Follow up on how Sami is doing:

She’s on chemotherapy drugs now, which may be able to keep her alive long enough for her to outgrow the condition where her veins are collapsing. She has very much returned to her kick-butt self and if you met her you’d probably never guess that she’s fighting for her life. She’s getting back to the business of being a kid while at the same time traveling to Boston for treatments.

Unfortunately, it being flu season here and just a time of a lot of illness, Sami is having to stay home a lot, basically quarantined. If she got sick, even with a cold, it could be a disaster and could even kill her.

To those of you who have donated or shared the donation page or prayed for Sami and her family, I am so grateful. Thank you for doing your part to make the world a more compassionate place.

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