July 3, 2014

Something you’ve probably noticed about me and that I get accused of a lot is moral relativism. And I realize that it is absolutely an issue for me. I have a lot of trouble declaring anything as definitively right or wrong. Most people have a boundary between dharmic and adharmic things and it’s a pretty clear line. I’m sure for different people there are varying degrees of clearness. I find myself often afraid to put myself entirely on one side... Read more

July 2, 2014

I’ve noticed something in comment debates on Facebook and here that has me concerned. Sometimes someone makes a statement that sounds really…different…from what you usually hear and accusations start that this person is not a “real” Hindu. They must be a Muslim trying to stir up trouble. I’m sure that can happen. That someone creates a fake account and claims to be a Hindu when he is not. But I don’t think it’s a good idea to assume that that’s... Read more

July 1, 2014

Shiva (pronounced Sheeva or Sheewa) is a very important God in modern Hinduism. He is one of the three Gods of the Hindu trinity, who represent Creation, Preservation, and Destruction. Shiva is the destroyer. Not only the destroyer of creation when the time comes, but also the destroyer of ignorance and the destroyer of misery. There is an entire branch of Hinduism who puts Shiva as the One True God (Shivites/Shivaism). Why Worship Shiva * Stories * Symbolism * Holidays * How He Is Worshiped * Mantras and Bhajans  ... Read more

June 30, 2014

Take your deity with you to bring you peace wherever you travel! Even though I always know I have God in my heart, I really like having a small shrine  with me wherever I go. I can see it in my purse and instantly feel a calm joy come over me. I can take it out when staying with relatives or at a hotel and quietly perform a puja. This project is simple and easy to complete. You can also... Read more

June 29, 2014

Other than this blog, the other really big resource for new Hindus is the Himalayan Academy and their books, magazine, and website. I have huge respect for them and I love their books. I’ve had How To Become a Hindu for many years. There are places where my approach differs from Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, but only a few. I think it will be very instructive for us to explore this handbook for born Hindus and new Hindus and discuss the... Read more

June 27, 2014

There’s a few things going on in my personal life and with the blog that I wanted to fill you in on. First of all, the premium subscription blogs are leaving Patheos. They’ve been finding that the model isn’t working well. That’s fine with me, I really feel uncomfortable asking you guys to pay for my blogging. So the content over there is going to be slowly moving over here. Starting with a book club starting up on Sunday. It’s... Read more

June 26, 2014

I have a variety of interests and something my husband said the other day created a fascinating intersection of all of them. He said that sometimes there is animosity towards transgender people who are transitioning from being male to being female for the reason that some find it insulting and disrespectful to go from a position of higher privilege to a position of lower privilege (or at least find it really mystifying as to why anyone would want to do... Read more

June 25, 2014

I have something to confess. I have not revealed that I have Asperger’s, which is a “syndrome” on the same spectrum as Autism (And I think it may now be considered a variation of Autism). I’m not sure entirely what makes me “different” from…well, average? “Normal”? What do those even mean? But the point is, I only know my own experience. I know how my mind works and I’m told that it’s different from someone not on the spectrum of... Read more

June 23, 2014

You guys know me and money. It makes me so stressed and my instincts are to hang on tight to money and never spend any. I know how to penny pinch and I coupon at the grocery store. Even if we have money in the bank account, I’m never sure if we really have enough and so I make my husband not buy the potato chips he wants. I’m very stingy. My default answer to can we go to the... Read more

June 20, 2014

Reading my Cosmo magazine this month (yes, I love Cosmo. Shut up) I noticed Devanagari on Katy Perry’s arm. The image wasn’t clear enough for me to make it out. So I went online to find out what her tattoo is (or is supposed to be, anyway). Interetingly, the two sites that came up first in a search don’t transliterate the script correctly at all. Look at the close up image here: Notice that it says “Anugacchatu Pravahan” which that... Read more

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