The spiral inward begins at the beginning of August. Lughnasadh/Lammas is celebrated August 1st as a Harvest festival, as our gardens yield their treasures, and the earth feels like it’s about to burst with so much growth, lushness and space. It’s the feeling of the earth reaching its zenith with the latest turn of the Wheel of the Year, and the wistful beginnings of autumn.

I find this time of year being both a time of looking forward as well as looking back, so it’s an excellent time for an inventory and reset ritual. We have passed the mid-mark of the year, where there are fewer days ahead of us than there are behind us. It’s a time for hitting that reset button on your spiritual practices, a review of the year thus far, and from there, making plans for the rest of the year.
First Harvest Inventory & Reset Ritual
Take one evening (or morning, if that is preferable), and gather your favorite summer food and drink. Find yourself some sunny orange or yellow candles, and some herbs that represent the richness of summer to you. I like to use mint, as it sweetens my iced tea, or basil for its wondrous smell, but whatever herbs you feel called to, have a little bowl of them at the ready. Add a crystal of rose quartz (for love) or citrine (representing the sun), and place all these on your altar or sacred space.
Have a journal and pen at the ready.
Set up your sacred space, with the crystals, incense, candles, and herbs.
Add your favorite tarot or oracle deck as well.
Play some background music that evokes the summer feelings within you.
Light some incense, whatever summer scent that is evocative for you.
Take some deep breaths, and begin.
Play the music, close your eyes, and take your memories back to the beginning of this calendar year. Go through your memories, letting the images float through your mind. What has been your harvest this year? Think back on highlights, events, meaningful moments, your spiritual practices, feelings, locations, people you’ve encountered, etc. Try not to control this, and don’t get anxious about feeling it needs to be in chronological order. Whatever needs to be present will cross your mind. If nothing crosses your mind (it happens) breathe a bit more, and see what images or thoughts form. There are no wrong answers.
Take your journal, and write down those highlights. Some questions you can ask yourself: is there a theme? What brings you comfort? Which people made you happy when you spent time with them? Who did not bring you joy? How has your spirituality been? What were the most beautiful sights you saw? What are you proud of? What made you sad? What did you learn? If you could sum up these past few months, what word(s) would you use?
Take as long as you would like to get all your thoughts and visions out, then close your journal. Breathe in the incense and note all your senses in the moment. What are you seeing, feeling, tasting, touching, hearing?
When you feel complete, get your tarot or oracle card deck out. Take a few more deep breaths, and still your mind. Cast you inner vision forward, and shuffle your cards. Be thinking of the next few months, what will that look like? What question do you have about that time? When ready, choose a card.
Open your journal again, and write down the card, its meaning, and what your thoughts were upon seeing it. Is it something that resonates with you, or startles you? Using it as a springboard, what does the card tell you about these coming months? From there, let your thoughts move into ideas and possibilities that would make you feel satisfied.
When you feel complete with that, ground yourself with your food and drink.
Some time soon after this ritual, prepare foods that represent this first harvest festival. While you are preparing the food, set your intentions for the rest of the year, and be really present as you stir, chop, bake and create.
However you celebrate this first harvest festival of Lugnasadh/Lammas, may it be satisfying and fruitful.