Day 68 of 90: Modo Yoga, Tao Of Dave

Day 68 of 90: Modo Yoga, Tao Of Dave September 16, 2013

Day 68 of 90 straight days of hot yoga at Modo Yoga and in practice today I was inspired by a gentleman practicing on my left side.  It was his first time practicing, and he was probably around 7o years old and he was taking the flow class.  I came out and told him after class that he was, “Rad”. That is right rad! I loved it!

Today’s class was taught by teacher Grant, and it was a flow class.  On one side of me I had a gentle old man, who was taking each pose as it was and as he could deal with it, breath by breath; on my right side I had a buffed gentleman who was very physical, and willful. I was in the center. Over these past 68 days, pretty much ever teacher has mentioned that we are here in class as a community, that we pick each other up, that we can feel each other, and today was the class I could feel the energy of both people. It was quite powerful to feel the subtle energy of the man to my left, and then to my right to feel the  energy of strength and power.  To be in the center of that, was to understand the middle ground within.

We are taught in Modo Yoga to breath into things, to help in relaxing the body, and it also signals the body and mind that we can handle it.  So I have noticed in my two days with Grant, the middle ground of my practice taking over. Which is showing up in my life off the mat as well.  Someone mentioned something to me the other day, I would have taken off into some emotional melodrama at what they said, but I was aware of the comment, and their intention as well, so acknowledged it, felt it, and took a breath right into it.  That led me to a chose point, and I chose to let go and move on. I felt the breath disable the old program and create a new program.  I love the new program. The new program responds, not reacts. The new program takes action, and no longer constantly is in a loop of doing.  Action is focused and centered in breath awareness.

Grant offered us an opportunity to play in some poses, and it felt good to play in my core strength, allowing the full energy to be focused and scattered about.

On to day 69…Namaste…

  David Matthew Brown:



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