Day 85 of 90: Modo Yoga, Groovy

Day 85 of 90: Modo Yoga, Groovy October 3, 2013

Day 85 of 90 days straight of hot yoga at Modo Yoga LA and I stepped into the studio to take Lisa’s class. I love Lisa’s style. She is very heartfelt, pure, and open. Years ago in school I took a modern jazz dance class, and my teacher traveled to Northern California at the time to teach for the summer.  My dance teachers style was always hip, Lisa has that same style. Always in the style of the times and picks the right music as well that fits the class. She reminded us to use the 60 minutes to be present in each pose.  So we began.

What I noticed about the importance of being present on the mat and in life is this, by not being present on the mat fully and in life fully, we tell the universe this is not enough, that we are not enough.  We tell the universe that we need more, or maybe there is something missing. We might eat with a friend or be on a date, and we are checking our phones to see if there is something more important than this moment going on.  And our dates, friends, and family feel hurt in some way.

I read an article the other day on someone criticizing Eckhart Tolle on teaching the, “The Power Of Now”.  I realized that we mistake people’s passion for being right in the media, in politic’s, business, and life, yet because people are passionate does not mean they are right.  In our day an age, we miss the opportunity to be here now.

If you are at home reading this, sense how your body is, your mind is right now. Just be aware of how much the mind resists right now. When I am present in the pose and breathing, life is a gift. I give my gift away every time I choose to leave now and worry about something. Worry about tomorrow, yesterday, and yet right now there is a gift wanting to be opened, and it is called the present. Give yourself a gift. Be present with everything and everyone today, watch miracles unfold.

On to day 85….Namaste

  Teacher Lisa and I before class..


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