Day 86 of 90: Modo Yoga, 4 To Go

Day 86 of 90: Modo Yoga, 4 To Go October 4, 2013

Day 86 of 90 straight days of hot yoga at MODO YOGA and I am excited as I move closer to 90. Frankly when I finished 30 0f 30 I never imagined going for 90 straight days.  At the time the mind was wanting to convince me of why I shouldn’t do it, and yet I wavered the mind and  went to the heart for guidance. When I had asked the heart in meditation, I heard, “GO FOR IT”, and so I went for 90, and here I am finishing day 86.

Today’s class was with teacher Grant.  When I first started this journey on the mat, my mind would anticipate what was coming, by planning for it. Now I accept each pose as it is, and really have no idea where it is taking me. This practice isn’t so much about perfection, control, as it is about breathing and allowing what comes up, to come up and go.  I have recognized how hard that can be. One of the things that they tell you upon entering the hot room is to take breaks, and stay in the room.  Most of us are not used to taking breaks because that would mean we would have to stop doing and start being with ourselves. So we push through, breath through, will ourselves to exhaustion, just to prove that we are strong and can do it. But what I have noticed the longer I practice is that none of that is strength, it is simply being scared, running scared, and not looking into the matter on the mat.  Why do we care so much about how we look to others? Why do we control people? Why do we participate in jobs we hate, dislike, or even worse, why do we believe that running over people, doing whatever we can to get to the top, cheating, manipulating people just to be famous is okay?

On the mat we learn that the best way to care for this planet is to care for ourselves from the inside out.  Modo is way of being in the world.  So how you are on your mat is frankly how you are in life.  That may be hard to read, but sit with it. Better yet, sit with yourself in a twist and see how quickly you get agitated because you have to breath with it. Yoga is not about doing, it is a way of being in the world. It is the Ying and Yang, the heaven and the earth of life.

Join me in Los Angeles on day 90, October 8th at NOON with Teacher Joe- Modo Flow- Sign up now!! See you there!

On to day 87…Namaste

  David Matthew Brown

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