In The Knowing

In The Knowing February 6, 2014

About four months before my daughter was born, 6 and half years ago, I had dream. At the time, we were unsure if we were having a boy or girl.  We wanted it to be a surprise.  I felt it was girl, most felt like it was boy, but on this night,  I drifted off with many different worries about being Dad. Probably the same worries most men have about fatherhood.  Will I be good? Will I be present? What if I can’t handle it? Oh my goodness… Endless questions. So as I slept, I went a girl named Julia, and she took me through an adventure. All of which led me to being a king. Which taught me that I could be a good father and that I was worthy as well.  When I woke up, I wrote this dream out. Writing in the style of poetry  is freeing and alive.  It connects me to my heart. I recently read the poem live on the radio and wanted to share it with you. Have blessed day!!


In The Knowing

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