Black smoke means “No Pope (we still have beer).” White smoke means, “We’re outta beer! Habemus Papem!”
Okay, that’s stretching things a bit. However, the cardinals have been blessed with a supply of good beer during the conclave, courtesy of the Monks of Norcia, from San Benedetto, Italy. They delivered the vital liquid just in time for the conclave doors to close.
Fr. Benedict Nivakoff, O.S.B shares that piece of news here,
On Monday, March 11, Br. John and Br. Francis delivered several cases of our beer to the cardinal electors who are staying at the Domus Sancta Martha. Its Director, Msgr. Battista Ricca, receives the cases of beer, since the cardinals were busy preparing for the start of the conclave.
Yes, the monks make house calls! After all, it’s only 2 1/2 hours to the Vatican via the Autostrada. Take a look at their commercial,
“So that the heart can be gladdened.” Amen!
Learn more about the monks’ beers here.
Need something to do besides watching the chimney cam at the Sistine Chapel? Spend 40 minutes watching this video of a day in the life of the monastery. Reveille is at 03:30…
Need an idea for Lenten alms giving? Why not support the Monks of Noscia? Make a one-time gift, or set up a monthly donation, right cheer!
P.S. Yes, the Beerbulance is for real. Check out Laughing Squid for details.