December 21, 2011

No longer does the Church exercise temporal powers over domains. The Papal States are back in the hands of secular powers. The saintly soldiers of the military orders have all laid down their arms. Rendering to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s, then, what is the role of the Church in the world today? (more…)

December 19, 2011

What the Sam Hill are you talking about Frank? How dare you say one of the favorite priests of the faithful is wrong about anything! Well, I remember a week or so ago folks were digging how to be a jet-powered, human dolphin. As if that would be a cool present to receive for Christmas. Humbug! How about something a little more practical? Like “cheap speed!” (more…)

December 19, 2011

A reflection for December 9, 2009 from The Little Blue Book: Advent & Christmas Seasons 2009-2010. I have no idea who wrote it, but after yesterday’s Gospel reading,  it hits the mark.

“I said if I were going to do a Christmas show, we have to use the passage from St. Luke (about the birth of Christ).”—Charles Schultz, creator of the “Peanuts” comic strip

On this day (December 9) in 1965 (I was two years old!) the classic “A Charlie Brown Christmas” premiered on TV. It was based on the infancy narrative of St. Luke. In the plot, Charlie Brown tries to find the true meaning of Christmas. Linus recounts the story of the birth of Jesus.

The program won an Emmy and a Peabody Award, and led to more than thirty additional Peanuts TV specials. (more…)

December 11, 2011

For Conspicuous Gallantry and Intrepidity in Action at the Risk of Life, Above and Beyond the Call of Duty . . .

As a kid growing up, I had a lot of daydreams floating through my head. Daydreams of Glory! The lines above (from the beginning of the citation for the Medal of Honor) would be read to throngs of adoring, thankful citizens as my exploits and heroic feats of daring-do and close-combat were read and celebrated throughout the land.

Is it any wonder that I was drawn to the vocation of a warrior? (more…)

December 7, 2011

Today is the Feast day commemorating Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan and one of the first four Doctors of the Church. The painting above depicts St. Ambrose with Emperor Theodosius of Rome. The reason they got together? The Emperor had ordered the massacre of 7,000 people in Thessalonica, and Ambrose demanded that he do public penance. (more…)

December 7, 2011

I’ve been real busy these last few days with a bit of a family emergency. Let me just say that it has involved family members, a hospital, co-workers, friends, strangers, priests and God. In other words, it has been just another usual day for me here on planet Earth.  (more…)

December 5, 2011

Yes, yesterday was Sunday but you know what else it was? It was the Feast of St. Barbara. As a former member of November Battery, 5th Battalion, 14th Marines, let me tell you something: This is a feast day celebrated throughout the entire US Armed Forces in the Artillery Community. Knowing that, doesn’t this prayer intention make more sense? (more…)

December 2, 2011

I’m going to have to borrow a line from U2‘s Bono and say, “Am I buggin’ you? I don’t mean to bug ya,” as the Edge’s guitar solo rises to a crescendo. I’m talking about my last few posts, which uncharacteristically have touched on politics and things political. (more…)

November 27, 2011

Perhaps you think that my saying we are barbarians is a little harsh. Maybe I’m going over the top, even though we as a nation lawfully sanction the killing our unborn babies. Surely it’s not for reasons such as this one that I deign to call us barbaric, despite the obvious, self-evident truth such actions contain. (more…)

November 21, 2011

Some folks wonder if we are Facebooking ourselves to death. I say no. The reason? Because unrelated Friend “A” posts a great photograph like the one you see above. Silly me shares it on my wall, and even over there in the ghost town of Google+. (more…)

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