September 18, 2014

—Feast of St. Joseph of Cupertino A few years ago, the world was held in thrall by Stephen Hawking’s declaration that there is no need for a Creator for the universe to have been formed. The giant had spoken, succinctly, and confidently. If you are like me, you haven’t read his new book, but you probably saw the interview with Larry King. One of my take-away’s from the interview? Stephen Hawking gushing over his experience of being weightless. He got... Read more

September 17, 2014

Support Vocation Boom to help in the Churches recruiting effort. Roll clip, Lucky folks who donate between now and 9/19 (and who have PC’s) will receive The Faith Database as a reward for contributing to the cause. For every dollar they raise via this Indiegogo campaign, they will be matched dollar for dollar. Go there, and give! Read more

September 12, 2014

My blog neighbor Leah loves musicals. Leah writes a lot about some strange phenomenon she calls casual dating. Joe Six-Pack has no idea what that even is. (more…) Read more

September 11, 2014

  Posted by the folks of My Catholic Faith on there Facebook page, here’s a quick video worth sharing. Post by I Love My Catholic Faith by How’d they do that? The secret ingredients are listed here. How does Christ do that? See John 3:17. Read more

September 6, 2014

It’s been a weird month so far in the internet version of Catholiclandia and we’re only up to day 6. You may have noticed that I haven’t posted a cotton-picking thing since the month began. I assure you, my lack of productivity is not on account of me not appreciating those of you who stop by these parts regularly. (more…) Read more

August 30, 2014

A few days back, on the Feast of St. Augustine, Sam Rocha’s album was released. It’s been climbing the charts ever since. I told you guys it was good, didn’t I? But what about other reviewers, you say? (more…) Read more

August 28, 2014

Courtesy of Professor Tobin Grant, blogging on faith and politics for the Religion News Service. Decipher the graph here. Here’s the song that explains Catholics place on the grid. It popped into my head immediately. (more…) Read more

August 25, 2014

  Throughout my Marine Corps career, I wrote many letters home to my family. I served long before the advent of social media, so the letter writing kits available at the PX were what I used to write home with. I’d write my mom and dad, let them know how I was doing, etc. Later, after I got married, the letters were to my wife. And then to my wife and my children. (more…) Read more

August 22, 2014

Because I’m a jerk. That, and because Jesus said this, (more…) Read more

August 22, 2014

Of course, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty has the scoop. This is what  Lori Windham, Senior Counsel for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty had to say on this development. (more…) Read more

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