August 20, 2014

What? There is a third person in the Chesterbelloc? George Bernard Shaw forgot someone? Exactly, dear reader. See the portrait above? Surely you recognize the heavyset fellow on the left, and the irascible looking fellow on the right. But who is the tall guy in the center? That would be Maurice Baring, the friend G.B. Shaw forgot. (more…) Read more

August 19, 2014

The reports are flooding in that journalist James Foley has been beheaded by the terrorists of the Islamic State. He had been kidnapped while on assignment in Syria several years ago. (more…) Read more

August 16, 2014

  On Thursday, President Obama gave a brief speech that raised the hackles of folks seeking speedy solutions to the slaughter of Christians, and other religious minorities, that is occurring at the hands of the Islamist fighters of ISIS. From news website Capitol Hill Blue, Ken Dilania and Robert Burns reported the following, (more…) Read more

August 13, 2014

To have and to hold, from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to love and to cherish, to death do us part. Tissue alert! (more…) Read more

August 13, 2014

It’s been a long time since I titled a post with that starts with the word “because.” But given what is happening on the world stage these days, especially across that swath of territory in the Middle East, where an ersatz caliphate is trying to establish itself, the fact that the Catholic Church has a diplomatic corps sets her apart. (more…) Read more

August 12, 2014

I’ll be joining the panel tonight at 6 pm ET talking about Iraq, Middle East persecution of Christians (and other religious minorities), lawless bandits acting like nation states, whether neighboring countries care, etc., with Elizabeth Scalia, Tod Worner, and the golden voiced Sheila Liaugminas. I’m going to be listening, and hoping Sheila forgets to ask me a question. Who knows? Maybe Fr. Robert Barron will show up too? Y’all come listen! Read more

August 11, 2014

Listen to our brothers and sisters. Listen to our shepherd. (more…) Read more

August 8, 2014

  Surely I’m not the first to notice how oftentimes, through the daily readings, or by way of the Liturgy of the Hours, God breaks through our thrall towards world events, and speaks to us directly. (more…) Read more

August 7, 2014

The wildflower that has sprung up in the power vacuums created in the Syrian and Iraqi deserts has a name, and it is ISIS. Would you believe the roots of this particular group of terrorists are deeper than just being a new face of al Qaeda? Believe it, or not, their roots go all the way back to the days of the Christian iconoclasts from long ago. (more…) Read more

August 7, 2014

Yesterday, the Catholic Church as a whole set aside a day of prayer for the beleaguered parts of the body of Christ that are being assaulted by ISIS. If you’ve been paying any attention to the posts of The Anchoress, you’re well aware of what is going on. Praying for a change of heart of those who twist Islam to their own ends is a worthy use of your time. Demanding action by the international community is another. (more…) Read more

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