January 1, 2014

UPDATE It’s been 91 days since Michael Schumacher’s skiing accident. Put into an induced coma for a craniectomy, Michael has not regained consciousness.  Please continue to pray for his recovery.   I found out early this morning that Michael Schumacher, the 7-time Formula One Champion (1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2002,2003, 2004) who retired for a second time last year, sustained a head injury while skiing a few days ago. Please say a quick prayer for his full recovery, ok? I’ll provide you with more details on... Read more

December 31, 2013

This just in from the Associated Press, WASHINGTON (AP) — Only hours before the law was to take effect, a Supreme Court justice on Tuesday blocked implementation of part of President Barack Obama’s health care law that would have forced some religion-affiliated organizations to provide health insurance for employees that includes birth control. (more…) Read more

December 31, 2013

…will likely continue on into 2014. The latest example of this ludicrous trend? Determining where you stand politically by what you drink, of course. I mean booze, see? (more…) Read more

December 31, 2013

Joe Six-Pack knows who to thank. Now before you get yourself all up in a lather, breaking out sources from Bon Appetit Magazine to refute this assertion, etc., let me just skip you straight to the Wikipedia citation for champagne, complete with footnotes for you to follow up on. (more…) Read more

December 30, 2013

He knows if you’ve been bad, or good. So be good for goodness sake. Because he’s in orbit, see? (more…) Read more

December 28, 2013

-Feast of the Holy Innocents  Have you ever heard of Emily Hickey? Me either, at least not until just now. Born in 1845, she is a child of the Emerald Isle, an Irish lass born in 1845 into a family fathered by a Protestant Minister of the Church of Ireland. But somehow she decided to swim the Tiber and she was received into the Catholic Church in 1901. Prior to doing so, her literary talents were well known in her... Read more

December 27, 2013

Phil Robertson and the suits at A&E have kissed, and made up. Or maybe it’s a simple example of justice and peace having met. The Hollywood Reporter sends, (more…) Read more

December 27, 2013

This time to a couple of private, religious universities in the state of Texas, and a seminary in Pennsylvania. Good news from the front, via The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. Washington, D.C. – Today a Houston federal court delivered a major blow to the controversial HHS mandate ruling in favor of East Texas Baptist University and Houston Baptist University. In a 46-page opinion, the court ruled that the federal mandate requiring employers to provide employees with abortion-causing drugs and... Read more

December 27, 2013

Readers of this blog know that I’m a convert to Catholicism (RCIA Class of ’08). Something else they know is that I enjoy rediscovering all things with Catholic origins that folks like me (former non-denominational Christian) never even knew were Catholic in the first place. Like my favorite pie for this time of year: mincemeat pie. (more…) Read more

December 26, 2013

“For Christmas, I want absolutely to have a mass, and for this occasion, if they ask me to sing, I sing, I’m happy about it.” You know, to kick off the Octave of Christmas. That’s the case if you went to Mass at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Miami, yesterday. Roll clip, WSVN-TV - 7NEWS Miam Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Deco Pretty neat, eh? Read all about it. Read more

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