Your Spiritual Millionaire Mindset: More SUPER EASY Social Networking for Big Success (Part 4)

Your Spiritual Millionaire Mindset: More SUPER EASY Social Networking for Big Success (Part 4) October 6, 2016

4 Steps to Tie Your Work Together to Cook up Success  (Part 4 of a 6 part interactive article series.)

In part 1 of this 4 part article series, we looked at how we often make career New Year Resolutions for success that are almost impossible to fulfill. One reason they fail is because they require extreme behavioral change. What if you didn’t have to change anything for unlimited success because you already have everything you need? Perhaps we just need to use what we already have in a productive way. Many of us suffer from the saying, “Can’t see the Business Forest for the Paper Trees.”  Let’s look again with discerning eyes.

PeteLinforth worship-1644793_1280 CCO Public Domain Free Commercial Use No Attribution Required

Let’s say you have a book that focuses on a message which promotes a product ready for launch.  A website might be the main ingredient seasoned with the basics; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and garnished with a sprinkle of radio and TV shows to create a recipe for success.  Tie them all together with a collaborative tele-summit followed by a blog about the tele-summit posted on your website and disseminated through social media and the tele-summit’s social media boost, and everything is set to launch an Amazon best seller champagne that does not cost you anything and may make you money while expanding your platform.

Now, that is food for thought.  Here is how it works.

1.)        Utilize what you already have in your pantry before shopping. Know what you do and do not have, and need.

2.)        Choose what meets your needs to cook the meal. A grocery list can help a shopper stay focused in a sea of choices. Use the same tactic.

3.)        The next step is to locate the correct produce in the store without getting distracted. Everyone wants to sell their “stuff” and they are experts at drawing attention to their product. What was so attractive about that product? What made it irresistible? The owners may have paid big bucks to advertisers and promoters to gain product recognition in the marketplace. Learn from their success. Remember it, tweak it, and reuse it in a way that is not plagiarism.

4.)           The last step is to COMBINE your choices for a successful meal that meets your nutritional needs and desires.

Selecting and combing social media modalities is much like shopping in a store. Focus is a time saver. A good recipe may be necessary to ensure success. Geralt hand phone montage, ccO Public Domain Free commercial use, no attribution required

As lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, oil and vinegar can make a wonderful salad so too can a blog, Facebook pages, Twitter, LinkedIn and radio shows. Combine them for a successful Social Media dish.

A powerful social media push described in the next part is as easy as 1, 2, 3, because it uses what you already have in your professional arsenal and social media toolbox, and combines it and connects it to your platform.

Your success is served to you on a platter, and takes so little time you can do it daily, weekly or monthly, depending on your needs.

List your Social Media Networks here by priority.

1.)                                                                    4.)                                           7.)

2.)                                                                   5.)                                            8.)

3.)                                                                   6.)                                           9.)

Mark the ones that are linked and post automatically to each other. If you have a professional FB page you can link it to your Twitter page which should post onto your Profile FB page. This will save you time.

List radio or TV shows you have done. If you have not posted them on your social media pages Google them, find and copy the links, post them now and schedule them to repost each moth for the next 6 months

1.)____________________________  3.___________________________

2.)____________________________  4.____________________________


Part 5 of this 6 part article titled , Saving Time in 2017: 4 Steps, 8 Ways and, 3 Keys, to Tie Your Work Together and Cook up Success, teaches you the 8 ways to use your small success to branch out into the SEO world by connecting with bigger venues, most of which are free.


Picture credits: PeteLinforth worship CCO Public Domain, Free Commercial Use, No Attributions Required


Bio: Kat Kanavos created IEPs (Individual Educational Plans) and taught Psychology at USF. Now, she creates ISPs (Individual Success Plans) for clients. She is a three time breast cancer survivor whose dreams diagnosed her illness, an International and Nautilus Award-winning Author/Lecturer who promotes patient advocacy, TV/Radio Host/Producer of Wicked Housewives On Cape Cod™ , Hosts Nautilus Book Awards Spotlight, Kat Kanavos Show, Patheos, Quora, Medium, Internationally Syndicated Columnist in Women’s Voices Magazine HOME & SOUL and Bizcatalyst360, contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Realities of Creation. Kat’s been featured worldwide. Learn more @

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