Peter Broadbent States Atonement Was a Factor in Spring Harvest Split

Peter Broadbent States Atonement Was a Factor in Spring Harvest Split April 27, 2007

In today’s news, in an article in the Church Times entitled Atonement Row Gets Personal as Evangelical Partnership Splits,” Bishop Broadbent is quoted as acknowledging that Steve Chalke was at least part of the reason for the split with UCCF. Clearly some of the details of the story remain disputed, but as I first reported just over a week ago, differences in how inclusive to be over different views of the atonement seem clearly to be at least part of the reason the two conferences are going their separate ways.

“Bishop Broadbent described the reasons for Spring Harvest’s and Word Alive’s parting company as “perfectly normal.” He said on Tuesday: “They’re trying to make it a big issue over Steve Chalke, which isn’t true. He’s one factor among many.” (Church Times)

Update – Keswick have now posted their press statement from earlier this week online.

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