Adding Bible Content Automatically

Adding Bible Content Automatically September 27, 2008

Most Christian websites and blogs will have biblical references scattered throughout their text. But how much better would it be if that content could be automatically linked to one of the Bible websites that are out there? Well, I suspect it could be even better if, instead of merely inserting a link, you could automatically insert a little pop-up window that revealed the text without even leaving the website. That’s exactly what I can now do here on the blog.

That’s just what those wonderful people at Logos Bible Software have done. For example, if I was to write John 3:16 or 1 Corinthians 1:1-3, a script now creates those neat pop-up windows. There is nothing to install as such, just a few lines of code to add to your template, or if you are using WordPress, as I think I would like to do soon, then you can install a plug-in and customize it. Apparently you can even change the look to match your site. I’m told that so far 2,000 sites have installed it, and 10 MILLION pages are calling the script.

Pop over to Reftagger and you can get the whole thing set up in about five minutes or so.

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