Why we need to learn not lead in missions

Why we need to learn not lead in missions November 21, 2012

My friend Ed Stetzer has a great post about the incredible way God is at work in many nations around the world and how we have more to learn from these churches than teach. As an example

One example is Almolonga, Guatemala. Prior to the transformation in the 1990s, this highlands village had a very high alcohol consumption rate among the men. There were 36 cantinas where alcohol could be consumed. There were four jails, usually overflowing, with the additional offenders shipped to surrounding communities. The economy was feeble, with only four truckloads of produce exported monthly. The Christian presence was marginal, with those who were deeply committed often experiencing persecution. Old-fashioned idolatry was practiced by many of the townsfolk.

Finally, some of the local pastors and laypeople had had enough and began to cry out to God with prayer and fasting. They expressed an acknowledgment of the desperation of the situation and the resulting need for God’s intervention, as well as a deep hunger for the person and presence of God. After some time their prayers began to be answered. Some dramatic healings and conversions took place and then things snowballed.

In a few short years, a total transformation of the community took place. Instead of a few struggling churches, there are now over 30 churches, several with over a thousand members. Of the 36 cantinas, only three remain open. Many of the former cantinas are now churches. Around 90 percent of the 20,000 population worship Jesus. All the jails have closed. Formerly unproductive, alcoholic men have become responsible family men with strong work ethics. They have saved up money to buy Mercedes trucks to transport their produce. The four truckloads of produce a month have become 40. The vegetables are not just more numerous, but also enormous. The growing cycle for some went from 60 days to 25. Underground springs opened up. The local Christians hold that God healed the land.

Read more at Ed Stetzer – 5 Things to Learn from International Church Planting — #1: Be a Learner, not a Leader.

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