In London? Go to Wembley and see Love Beyond Musical TONIGHT

In London? Go to Wembley and see Love Beyond Musical TONIGHT October 2, 2014

Thanks to the kindness of the organizers, I was able to attend last night’s performance of the musical Love Beyond in which the Bible gets the West End treatment. I went with six children (no, I haven’t had another kid, one of them just brought a friend!). Their ages went from 17 down to 7, and they all loved it. Even though it went on until late, they were humming some of the tunes on the way home. It was well worth the additional challenge of getting them up for school this morning!

Personally, I loved the way the show kicked off, with the Trinity appearing on stage before Creation. I believe the opening words were, “I am love. I am light. I am the Beginning and the End. Beyond Time.” This was something of a refrain and appeared a few times throughout the show. The lighting, music, acting, and vocal performances were all outstanding.

The show takes us on a whistle-stop tour of the Bible’s key message. We see Adam and Eve created, tempted, and fall. One of my children said that the intoxicating performance of the Devil was their favorite character. The incarnation, birth, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus were all beautifully portrayed.

The energy and raw emotion throughout the show was unrelenting. This was not a show you could fall asleep in.  There were so many cleverly nuanced subplots, like for example, the way the unconverted Paul glorified the Law as he was hauling off Christians for punishment.

The message of the love of God and his invitation to all came through strongly. This was entertainment in the best tradition of gospel-focused drama.

I loved it.

I commend it to you.

If you can make it tonight I understand they have a few tickets left.

You won’t be disappointed.  Book here.



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