Regarding faith: Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater

Regarding faith: Lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater January 22, 2016

‘All things are possible for one who believes’ (Mark 9:23)

It is an ongoing scandal and provocation to the Almighty that certain preachers are getting rich from distorted and deceptive preaching on ‘faith.’  The idea that God can be turned into a slot machine, serving up ever increasing riches and health if we just do certain things, like send money to the preacher, is an abomination.

However, we must not allow ourselves to reject or downplay genuine faith in our concern to reject the false extremes.

Some of the things that Jesus himself said on this subject are remarkable. It is a tragedy that they have been so distorted by some that many of us feel uncomfortable reading words like the ones that begin this post.

But these words came from the mouth of the incarnate deity. We must not ignore them, belittle them, or explain them away.

If we strip away from them the self serving context some would give them, and get back to the original intent these are incredibly encouraging, and helpful words.

Today, when you are facing challenges that seem insurmountable, Jesus would say to you ‘All things are possible’  If you are frightened about the future and feel like you face certain failure, he would turn your mind to his strength and power to help you and say ‘All things are possible!’  Even when facing the death of a loved one, the words powerfully point out to a future bodily resurrection:  ‘ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!’

My prayer today is that God would help us to learn to truly trust him. That he would teach us what it means to have faith that is genuine and not a thinly veiled form of greed. That would learn the confidence that comes from knowing that he is able and willing to save us, and that he will never leave us or forsake us.

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