Rejected by us. Raised up by God

Rejected by us. Raised up by God January 28, 2016


Source: Wikipedia
Source: Wikipedia

“Have you not read this Scripture: “‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’?””‭‭(Mark‬ ‭12:10-11‬)

Have you ever stopped to think about how remarkable certain Scriptures really are? Overfamiliarity numbs us to the stark surprising reality.

Last night my son George who is just eight commented on the story of Judges. He said something like

How could they say, you know how God rescued us and did all that stuff, let’s forget him and invent a God. I mean who on earth was it who said “see this statue let’s worship it.  I’m inventing a religion.” How did they persuade the others? They must have had Jedi mind tricks!

And it is also remarkable in this verse, as is also alluded to in John 1,  that the descendants of the Jews indeed rejected Jesus. But we all reject him at some point in our lives and to some degree.

We wander off slowly, and as I mentioned yesterday, we forget him. We neglect him. We drift further and further away until, in some cases, it really looks like we have turned away from him completely.

But wonder of wonders, rejected by Jew and Gentile alike, killed on a cruel cross, the story doesn’t end there!

Jesus was raised.

God will also raise him up and exalt him in your life if you will allow him to.

Let Jesus be lifted up. And the very ones that reject him now will bow the knee and declare it with the whole of Creation

Jesus is Lord!

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