Pre-Eclipse Energy

Pre-Eclipse Energy August 17, 2017
goodthingsMonday, August 21st at 2:30 PM we welcome in the New Moon, with a Solar Eclipse, in the astrological sign of Leo. As we move into the Leo New Moon, which is all about opening ourselves up to our personal magic within, we may find ourselves a moody mess.

Thursday, August 17th we are in the astrological sign of Cancer. This energy wants to try and melt the promise of summer fun with the cranky energy. When we are in Cancer we often ‘feel’ everything and seeing that Cancer rules Motherhood, you may feel very emotional during this time. If your mom has crossed over, there may be an aching to talk to her. Or if you are lucky to still have mom here, you may be urged to call or spend time with her. Note that this time does in fact effect everyone, not just those born under the Cancer sign.

This energy in CANCER is great for:
• Home projects
• Being honest with yourself and others with regards to your relationship
• Beginning new hobbies or an artistic study
• Starting a family
• Napping
• Exploring your ancestor
• Spending time with family
• Signing up for school
• Spending time around water
• Embracing the emotions that you feel by:
  • Saying exactly what you mean
  • Trusting your intuition
  • Not being afraid to say yes
  • Not being afraid to say no
For the next couple days be careful of your unrealistic expectations and unresolved business that may be hiding your true path taking away your summer moments. We can overcome anything if we allow ourselves to get out of our own way. Read more about overcoming in my blog here. 

The energy of the new moon in Leo is a beautiful time to set goals, look at moving, organizing, new job, creative undertakings, new romance (or relighting the flame on a current), or anything else that you want to bring into your life. The eclipse gives it an extra magical dose of dream it, see it, believe it, and achieve it. This is a time to have self-confidence and go after what calls to you – taking chances, having faith and believing! It will be a good time to create a vision of what you want <how to create a vision board here>.

But…for the next few days you have to walk through the storms. Just be sure to hold your head high and know that you can accomplish anything. Even taking a nap is an accomplishment.

Kristy Robinett
Kristy Robinett is an Intuitive,  Psychic Medium and author of many books. She loves anything sparkly, fuzzy socks, chocolate ice cream, cuddly cats, old Victorian homes and hugs from her husband and four kids. To set up a private session, visit Visit Follow her at Twitter @kristyrobinett.

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