May 18, 2015

May 18, 2015 – Monday, 12:13am EDST, we welcome the NEW MOON. This moon is all about money, success and business as it falls in the astrological sign of Taurus. A New Moon is the perfect time to send your requests over to the Universe and being that this New Moon is in the sign of TAURUS, this moon makes it a wonderful time to begin a new career and look over money/finances. A Taurus is a hard worker and a reliable employee.... Read more

May 17, 2015

John Lennon is quoted as saying that “Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it’ll always get you the right ones”. So true. I recently had a client in my office that was having a situation with a co-worker that was also a good friend. “She’s chasing after everything I do, and everything I have, and I’m exhausted. If I get a compliment from a supervisor, she tries to one up me and then will brag... Read more

May 5, 2015

Happy Mother’s Day {in Heaven} Dear Mom, It’s another Mother’s Day since you’ve left for your journey to the Other Side. Although it’s said that time heals all wounds, whoever said that must not have had many deep ones. Every day without you is a life in transition, and although it’s been 10 whole Mother’s Days since the last time I’ve been able to celebrate with you in the physical, I still avoid the emails and commercials that only sting... Read more

April 27, 2015

“You can call me Jolly,” the spirit smiled brightly at me from the side of the bed, sitting on the windowsill that looked over the sprawling green fields. It had only been a few hours before that we drove what felt like five miles up the dirt path to the plantation house. The moss oak greeted us. It was if each tree stood tall with its own story to share. On either side was the old slave quarters, in horrible... Read more

April 20, 2015

 “You always say you want to go away, but once you are away you want to come home,” my son lectured me as I ran around the home frantically packing. “Three days is all you need. Six days and we’ll probably kill one another.” “Well, it’s for six days so let’s pray we come home unscathed,” I joked. “I need some rest and relaxation because I have a case of the ‘BE’. I’m not even bringing me laptop,” I proudly... Read more

April 14, 2015

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Helen Keller “The one person that should have loved me no matter what didn’t think I was worth the fight. She didn’t think I was worth any love, and I don’t want to give her the time now.” The lady in spirit hung her head in shame as her daughter explained their tumultuous relationship. “It’s... Read more

April 8, 2015

Just a little over a week after Easter in 1997, on April 8th, I was told to go to the hospital, and that would be the birthday for our beautiful baby boy.  I had been having contractions on and off for a few weeks, but every time I went to the hospital, they only sent me home because I wasn’t progressing. Even though I had a C-section with Micaela, I had hoped to try natural.  Well, I wasn’t progressing because... Read more

April 6, 2015

Even with the society that we live in that urges us to detail our every movement in front of millions of strangers, I do tend to be a private person. Not that I am hiding some deep, dirty secret, and maybe it is just the Scorpio trait in me to keep some things a bit of a mystery, but I don’t believe that everybody needs to know everything about everybody. I also believe it is a two way street. Now,... Read more

April 1, 2015

This Total Lunar Eclipse or “Blood Moon”, also called a PINK MOON, is on April 4, 2015 at 8:05 AM in the sign of LIBRA and will be visible in most of North America, South America, Asia and parts of Australia. The Moon will be totally eclipsed (totality) for about 5 minutes. From beginning to end, it will last for 3 hours and 29 mins. Some in the United States will be able to see it as if it were... Read more

March 30, 2015

A couple weeks ago my husband and friends decided to embrace our inner child by seeing Cinderella. I admit that my husband moaned a bit, but I convinced him after showing him that the movie theater by us had reclining seats and if anything he’d get in a comfortable nap (he can sleep anywhere)! I really hadn’t anticipated a so-called kid’s movie would affect me as much as it did, and I sat there, with tears streaming down my face,... Read more

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