March 13, 2014

For the last few years, I’ve actively participated in Lent. I, like many others, gave up various things during the 40 days preceding the Resurrection celebration but this year I wanted to try something different. So during this season I’ve decided to consider then write about what it means to minister. I keep seeing this poster on the train that says the following: “You don’t have to be related to relate.” I love it and it makes me think of... Read more

March 1, 2014

God, Help us to be ambassadors of your grace and your love. Help us communicate to others that you look on us and see us through eyes of love. Where others examine the surface and make assumptions based on who they think we are, you see our hearts and long for us to know you as you already know us. By your Spirit, give us the ability to push past our prejudices to demonstrate the power that love wields. Amen Read more

March 1, 2014

1 Samuel 16:7 ” But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” Have you ever been in a space where you wanted something and saw people around you as being more qualified? Who you saw as being better suited for the position? There... Read more

February 15, 2014

Hate, the antithesis of love, is about spiritually dark beings spitting in the face of God and distorting our vision so we cannot see him nor see what his love and justice can do. Read more

February 3, 2014

If you know anything about my taste in music, you know its eclectic but I have a love for R&B and Soul. I’ve been working on a couple of different pieces but don’t feel to publish just yet. Instead, I will let you inside my music playlist this week to see what I have on repeat. Cee-Lo feat Melanie Fiona – Fool for You I’ve listened to this song on repeat like 5x today alone. I love a good love... Read more

January 16, 2014

Happy #TBT Y’all! For my first throwback Thursday post (I’m sure there will be others at some point), I want to post a poem I wrote about being pregnant with vision. This has been something I’ve meditated on for the last few years and I felt led to share it with you. Hugs and happy Thursday; the 4-day weekend is upon us! <3 I am pregnant Not with the seed of man but the seed of God Vision growing inside... Read more

January 9, 2014

In my early morning Facebook perusing I ran across the following gem from Kris Vallotton: “Don’t marry the person you fall in love with. A fall is an accident, not an act of your will. If you fall once, chances are, you will fall again for someone else. A great marriage is never an accident; it’s a covenantal choice that two people make with each other for life. It’s only in the soil of this garden that true love can... Read more

January 7, 2014

Brokenness, Gaining Perspective, God, Hearing God, Justice, Life, Death, Raw, Real Talk, Values, Wisdom, Environment, End Times Read more

December 14, 2013

I originally wrote this in 2010 but was drawn back to it this morning as I took a walk in the snow. God is a supremely creative being and his artistry is seen throughout all creation. His handiwork is apparent from the exquisite detailing on a singular snowflake to the complexity of his beloved humanity. Read more

December 12, 2013

I’m going through an interesting time right now –  I’m having trouble writing.  For over 6 months, I’ve penned something nearly once a week (if not more) and begun preparing to write on the blog. But I’m struggling with not being able to write as often as I’d like.  I suppose with the holidays and personal things on my mind, it makes sense that I’m struggling for words. The funny thing is that I have content but don’t think its... Read more

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