Politics: religion in the classroom?

Politics: religion in the classroom? June 15, 2006

Well, still avoiding working on philosophy papers, I’ve found an interesting note in another email from a favorite special interest group of mine, Harvard University’s Pluralism Project. The headline reads: Study Finds that Teaching World Religions Increases Respect for Constitutional Freedoms.

I have noted before (in this blog I believe) that the British-style RE (Religious Education) program makes excellent sense for a multi-cultural society ready to wake up to itself. Such an education would just as much educate conservative Christians, many of whom believe that this nation “is Christian” (end of story), as those atheists and agnostics who think there is nothing especially Christian about our country or that religion somehow doesn’t matter in the 21st century.

An understanding of world religions is an understanding of humanity in this world and can help give one a much clearer understanding of him/herself. That’s good news. So go forth and spread the good news.

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