Speaking Truth to Power

Speaking Truth to Power May 2, 2008

If you have to choose between doing the right thing and doing what is going to please people, do the right thing. – my dad.

Another bit of great news today, this from West coast port workers who have taken a day off in protest of the Iraq War:

“We’re loyal to America, and we won’t stand by while our country, our troops and our economy are being destroyed by a war that’s bankrupting us to the tune of $3 trillion,” the president of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Bob McEllrath, said in a written statement. “It’s time to stand up, and we’re doing our part today.” (NY Times)

Often times speaking Truth to those in power is the hardest thing we will do in our lives. Because of the power dynamics, you always face the possibility of repercussions. You also need to have a good understanding that it is not your ‘ego’ speaking, but Truth. Possessing the ability to discern the difference between ego and Truth is the mark of a great person.

Discernment is a quality of a clear mind, a product of meditation, contact with nature, the breath, the senses – anything that calms you and brings you to the hear and now. With such clarity we see that while our actions may bring us negative repercussions on one level – Bush and his war mongers certainly have connections that could touch the lives of each of these workers – the action coming from a place of Truth has far greater rewards.

So I salute these workers and all those who have for over five years spoken out against this war. May we each, in whatever way possible, find solidarity with them, support them, and follow their lead. May we each touch the ineffable peace of speaking and acting from a place of Truth.

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