New Look and an odd Common Looker

New Look and an odd Common Looker March 14, 2009

Julie has convinced me to alter my text color (white-ish on black is hard on the eyes). I’m not sure if I like this one (at all) but figured I’d see what readers think. If you have suggestions for what looks good on a black background let me know, preferably including a link to a site that uses it and a hex code, but just your thoughts would be nice.

I’ve also noticed recently a reader in Seattle, operating on a Mac, reading my blog way more than any typical reader does. I also noticed that this reader comes to my blog with some odd search terms and poking around rather odd corners. AND this same Seattle reader has been checking out some of my friend’s blogs and… well, it’s just a bit odd, that’s all. If you really enjoy my blog that much – thanks – but if you might like to contact me directly, please feel free: buddhistethics AT If you have other, more creepy motives, then please move along…

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