What is Liberation Theology?

What is Liberation Theology? April 29, 2016

What is liberation theology? Andy Gill Patheos

What is Liberation Theology? 

Well, there are various differing versions of liberation theology; the most well known form of liberation theology was developed in the 1950’s in Latin American lead by Gustavo Gutierrez who is known as “the founding father” of this particular type of theology.[1]

Liberation theology is meant to negate the oppressive reality in which mainstream theologies have inadvertently created by acknowledging and taking into account the humanity of the oppressed (e.g. the poor and the powerless). It’s sole emphasis was liberation and freedom from social, political, and economic oppression which when had is the ultimate salvation.

Women such as María Isazi-Díaz have developed a feministic theology of liberation; James Cone presented to us in the 70’s a revolutionary black theology of liberation; Christena Cleveland is even said to be working on a theology of liberation for singles within America’s very marriage-centric church. Although, there are many differences found in each, they are all similar in that their agenda is to free those oppressed or pushed to the margins (e.g. LGBTQ, women, etc.)

It’s thought to be radical for many different reasons; many have accused certain liberationists (e.g. Gustavo) to have used this christian version of Marxism to leverage one’s faith in order to incite a violent political revolution; I don’t think this is completely untrue. Evangelicals (particularly the conservative ones) typically label this type of theology as progressively liberal heresy.

But, ironically, we’re seeing a huge movement towards making this type of theology mainstream, internationally. Although Pope Francis does not identify as one who is embraces liberation theology he has made huge moves in re-opening the Vatican’s doors to this philosophical outlook on God, scripture, and it’s intersection with life.

If you want to know where to start with learning more on this type of theology here’re two books to check out:

  1. A Theology of Liberation by Gustavo Gutierrez
  2. A Black Theology of Liberation by James Cone

(and you can find another list, that includes these two books and more, on liberation theology and similar issues in an older post I wrote titled, “How You Can Help Fight Racism, And 7 Books to Read“)

[1] In the quickly dissipating theological world Gustavo’s a big deal; most recently Pope Francis invited Gustavo to Rome as one of the key speakers at a recent Vatican event. He was formerly being investigated by Pope John Paul II’s doctrinal czar (i.e. Pope Benedict), because of his liberal Marxist version of liberation theology.

[2] Definition in the image is from the Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

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