A new season

A new season April 5, 2013

Spring has arrived in Olympia. It’s been coming, slowly, but last week the sun blazed and the blooming began in earnest. Today it has been grey and rainy all day; the forecast for the week to come is more of the same.

I sat in my house today, quiet and still after a morning of errands and I listened to the rain. I have been out of the house so much more in the last week. Every week I ponder what I’ll write for the coming Friday post here. I almost always think, ‘I barely leave my house. What could I possibly have to say about place?’ It’s true. I am a home body. I am a homemaker. I have small children. I do a lot of reading and writing. And I don’t have a ton of friends here. I don’t leave my house that much.

I took my daughter for a walk at Mclane Creek Nature Trail . She was fascinated by the running water.

But spring. Oh spring is here and I feel the urge to MOVE. To get out. Yesterday I went to my favorite magical spot, Mclane Nature Reserve. A cacophony of birds greeted me. The insects buzzed. The skunk cabbage was blooming! You might think me crazy, but I actually like the scent of skunk cabbage! It smells like home and healthy earth to me.

My kids are spending more time partially clothed in the back yard. I get to sit and watch and take in the breeze.

Spring is here and it is singing its magic song to me: ‘Come out….. Come out! Come play!’ My body feels the truth of the seasonal shift. I am up with the sun. I am ready to soak in the energy of the growing sun and blooming green things. It’s time to get out of the house!

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