Amy Schumer mocks Trump supporting fans, has them removed from crowd, offers fake apology

Amy Schumer mocks Trump supporting fans, has them removed from crowd, offers fake apology October 20, 2016

I get so tired of the hypocrisy on the Left.

Take for instance, “comedienne” Amy Schumer. She recently kicked people out of her show in Tampa, Florida who were Donald Trump supporters. They were booing her for turning what should have been a night full of jokes into a political rant. She asked for her security to remove those that were screaming at her.

Here’s basically what happened: Some in Schumer’s audience turned on her when she brought a Trump supporter on stage and promised not to shame him, which she did anyway. She disguised her hatred for this man through “comedy.” When he left the stage, Schumer said, “He doesn’t seem like a psychopath.”

She went on to call Trump an “orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster” and suggested he wants to “finger his daughter.”

I’m glad people left. Sometimes comedians aren’t really that funny. In this case, she is disgusting.

And her mockery didn’t end there. Schumer was in New York City performing at Madison Square Garden and read a sarcastic, non-apology to the people of Tampa from the stage:

“Dearest Tampa: I’m sorry you didn’t want me, a comedian who talks about what she believes in, to mention the biggest thing going on in our country right now. How could I think it was okay to spend five minutes having a peaceful conversation with someone with different views?

“After the show, I want you to know that I will go straight to a rehab facility that will teach me how to make all people happy — both the rich, entitled, white people who are gonna vote for him and the very poor people who’ve been tricked into it.

“Tampa, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that he was an orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster. Shouldn’t have said that. I will never again say that he is an orange, sexually assaulting, fake-college-starting monster. Never again.

“I look forward to putting this all behind us in a couple weeks when Hillary Clinton is our motherf***ing president!”

This is the same woman who accepted a Glamour award and bragged about being able to “catch a d*** whenever I want.” And she’s offended by what Trump says?

How quickly she passes judgment on others while at the same time claiming she is accepting. The logic here is, “Don’t judge me, but PLEASE judge the rich, white man who is a sexist criminal!”

This isn’t tolerance; it’s contempt.

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