No, seriously, traumatized college students hold “cry in” at Cornell in response to Trump win

No, seriously, traumatized college students hold “cry in” at Cornell in response to Trump win November 14, 2016

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You can’t believe it until you see it with your own eyes! College students — adults, mind you — meeting up to cry because Donald Trump was elected president. It’s unthinkable, not Trump’s presidency, but grown-ups acting like kindergartners!

But that’s just what The Cornell Daily Sun encountered when it reported from the Ho Plaza “Cry In” as about 20 distraught students sipped hot chocolate and coffee for comfort and chalked their feelings on the sidewalk.

The Sun went live on Facebook and interviewed students who said they were “quite terrified” and in “shock.”

“I am concerned how this is validating the behavior of a lot of people,” one of the participants said. “It’s saying that people are really given into fear-mongering. They are willing to put people down based on their identity just so that they would feel vindicated that they would be getting rid of ‘Crooked Hillary.’”

Professors were there, too, in support of students. One told The Sun, “I’d say the results are heartbreaking and such a slap in the face to so many of the populations that make up America. I think it’s also an indication that there and many many people who are suffering and feel that haven’t been heard and they believe that Trump will answer their needs.”

It’s a weird time to be alive and witness the downward spiral of so many young people (and future leaders) that can’t dust off a loss and move on with their lives without curling up in the fetal position and demand justice for being “wronged.” It’s tough out there in the real world. That’s going to be a huge wake-up call when they hit that brick wall.

Click CONTINUE to watch the adults act like they’re at America’s funeral:

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