Rosie O’Donnell rudely suggests Donald Trump’s son has autism just to get even with his dad

Rosie O’Donnell rudely suggests Donald Trump’s son has autism just to get even with his dad November 28, 2016

This is ridiculous:


On a tweet published November 21, Rosie O’Donnell suggested that president-elect Donald Trump’s youngest son,Barron, has autism. On the post, she shared a video that points out different mannerism associated with people with the condition and tried to stop people from bullying the kid for his behavior, as some have stated he is rude.

The video titled “Is Barron Trump Autistic? #StopTheBullying” shows different footage were Barron’s behavior is associated with mannerism typically seen in people with autism. The comedian wrote in the tweet that if Barron happens to have the condition, it would be an “amazing” opportunity to bring attention to the autism epidemic, a comment most people did not found appropriate.

People, of course, went nuts over this wild and careless speculation, so she felt the need to respond:

‘Here is how it went down. My 3.5 yr old daughter Dakota was diagnosed in September with HFA – high functioning autism. I have been immersed in that world/reality since. learning – reading – asking questions, It’s all autism – all the time for the newly diagnosed as we try to grab onto anything to keep us standing. The knowledge we r not alone, there r others living this too. 

‘When I saw the anti bullying video that mentioned Barron it spoke to the symptoms many ASD kids have it was educational and informational. These symptoms so many do not understand– I thought – how amazing IF it is true. 

‘IF it is true – I tweeted from my heart. It would help so much with the autism epidemic. 1 in 55 kids is an epidemic. Donald and I agree on that and not much else. 

‘I feel he is a clear and present danger but this autism subject had nothing to do with Donald. Though i admithe does trigger me in all ways.

‘I have no ill will for his children –or any children –and if u knew anything about me –u would know that. Donald does not have the power to change the facts to re write history so speak true – stand tall. THE WORLD IS WATCHING.

‘For those who felt me a horror what can i say humans we try our very best and fail often. Peace out as we try to save democracy from this madman who thinks OUR country is his.’ 

Um… Okay.  This is just a way to attack the President-elect: through his child.   First of all, his health shouldn’t be a concern of hers.  Second of all, I think their family is highly capable of taking care of him. It’s none of her business, this is a low blow on her behalf. 

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