8 Fake Hate Crimes Blamed on Trump Supporters

8 Fake Hate Crimes Blamed on Trump Supporters March 7, 2017

7. White man yells at Minnesota college student, “Go back to Asia”

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities student Kathy Mirah Tu accused a white man of accosting her on a campus bridge and shouting, “Go back to Asia!” Tu’s Facebook post describing the “incident” was seen by nearly 20,000 people, according to Reason:

“I pretended to not hear any thing and continue on walking since I didn’t want to create conflict. Shortly after that moment, I was stopped by that same man who told me ‘Don’t you know it’s disrespectful to walk away from someone when they are talking to you?” After that, the man grabbed Tu’s wrist and threatened to hit her so she punched him, according to her post. “His friends who were watching the entire situation go down saw that I was going to the win fight and came over to his rescue and accused me of assaulting him and called the police.”

Tu then claimed the police showed up and put her in handcuffs. But the campus police said they were never contacted regarding this incident and asked the student body for any information. None turned up, of course.

If anything, “hate crimes” thrive on Fakebook — that is, Facebook.

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