14 Celebs Who’ve Imagined Violence for Trump and his Supporters

14 Celebs Who’ve Imagined Violence for Trump and his Supporters June 24, 2017

People are calling liberals’ fascination with President Donald Trump’s death “assassination porn,” and that’s about right.  I’ve never seen as much violent language and — what seems like — wishes upon a sitting President. It’s really a shame.  You’d think a mad-man trying to kill as many Republicans as possible at a Congressional baseball game would be enough to give people pause. Hey, maybe it’s not a great idea to constantly talk about the President being killed!  Sadly, the examples keep coming.  We need to hold these stars accountable.  Here’s the list.

1. Lea DeLaria

The actress in Orange is the New Black, told the world she “wants to take Trump supporters out with a baseball bat.”

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