People Baffled by White House Deputy Press Secretary’s Mysterious Tweet

People Baffled by White House Deputy Press Secretary’s Mysterious Tweet June 11, 2017


Okay, I can identify with this.  Over the weekend, Sarah H. Sanders, the White House Deputy Press Secretary sent out a tweet that almost made the internet explode.  It looked like this:
Screen Shot 2017-06-11 at 10.44.27 AM

Okay, so that IS confusing.  MJ Randolph described it, “It had traffic lights, anchors, maps, boats, trains, castles, fountains, and the letters, “lolaklkk.”  For several hours, people on social media offered explanations to what this might possibly mean.  Was it a message to foreign nations?  Was it a cry for help?

Not quite.

Sanders eventually got back to her phone and realized that her 3 year old had gotten hold of her phone and caused a national stir. She tweeted, “This is what happens when your 3 year old steals your phone. Thanks Huck! #neverleaveyourphoneunlocked.”

Image Credit: Twitter

h/t Truth Revolt

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