Newsweek Blames Trump Women For the Horror of High Heels

Newsweek Blames Trump Women For the Horror of High Heels August 14, 2017

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This is for real. Newsweek published an article with this headline: “Melania, Ivanka and Ivana Trump Wear High Heels, a Symbol of Everything That Is Beautiful and Horrifying About Them.”

Wow.  Mark Tapson over at Truth Revolt read the article so you don’t have to.  He writes:

The article begins by complaining about “the ubiquitous stiletto pump” which Newsweek laughably claims is “not currently in fashion, but for Ivana, Ivanka, Melania and the Trump daughters-in-law, Carrie Bradshaw’s shoe of choice never went out of style.” The sneering and sniffing continue from there.
“Six months in, and the Trump women are well on their way to normalizing the footwear of the beauty pageant.” Gasp! Forget North Korea — this is a catastrophe in the making!
Newsweek asked former Vogue editor Andre Leon Talley about the physical demands of high heels. “As you get older in these shoes, your feet are going to have problems,” Talley says. “I am not gonna say Melania is gonna have them soon, but sooner or later she is going have to come down off that high arch.”
And sooner or late, Newsweek is going to have to accept that Donald Trump is President and Melania rocks high heels. Besides, isn’t it supposed to be sexist to tell women what they can or can’t wear? Isn’t it slut-shaming or something to tell women they aren’t allowed to be sexy?

Newsweek even consulted a psychologist and an anthropologist to tell us why Melania and Ivana wear high heels: they “just exaggerate the femaleness of the walk. So to deconstruct why Trump women wear high heels: They are just buying into traditional binary views of male and female.”

Oh good grief.

The anthropologist made sure to note that, “When women wear high heels at work, they send sexual signals that should be avoided if they want to be taken seriously.” Ivanka is a successful businesswoman and entrepreneur. She can’t be taken seriously wearing this?

I thought we weren’t supposed to slut shame?  But, of course, the culture is perfectly fine to do that as long as the subject is conservative.

And by the way, Donald Trump didn’t “normalize” high heels.  Does anyone remember this?

My mom has been wearing amazing shoes — yes, high heels — for years. And it’s not because she’s oppressed or weak.  It’s because she wants to wear them.  Women can wear whatever shoes they want to wear.  Of course, Newsweek is perfectly fine with men wearing high heels, as Tapson points out.  You can’t be against women in high heels, and perfectly fine with this:

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