Here’s What’s Fishy about the Media Reports on Trump Dumping the Fish Food into the Koi Pond

Here’s What’s Fishy about the Media Reports on Trump Dumping the Fish Food into the Koi Pond November 6, 2017

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Do you ever get tired of having to show the many, many ways in which the mainstream media falsely characterizes President Donald Trump?  I do too, but it’s important to get the real story out there…  Even in the smallest stories.

Last night, for example, several major news outlets reported that President Trump was super rude to his hosts in Japan, because he was supposed to feed the Koi fish by the spoonful, but instead dumped the whole box into the water.  Yes, really. This is what actual “news” agencies believe we Americans care about.

The moment happened when he and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stood above a koi pond at Akasaka Palace with small wooden boxes to feed the fish.  This is apparently tradition when foreign dignitaries come to visit. The boxes were filled with fish food, and it was reported that Trump got impatient with the little spoons and decided to just rudely dump the whole box.  For example, this Twitter user said, “Koi don’t have very good impulse control in that regard, and will probably overfeed and become ill as a consequence if no one cleans that up. Abe is basically watching in polite rage-horror as the epic orange buffoon tries to kill his fish.”

Koi don’t have very good impulse control in that regard, and will probably overfeed and become ill as a consequence if no one cleans that up.

Abe is basically watching in polite rage-horror as the epic orange buffoon tries to kill his fish.

Okay, so the American President is actually trying to kill these Japanese fish.  That makes sense.

Turns out President Trump wasn’t rude at all.  What the news agencies failed to mention — not even once — was that Prime Minister Abe did the exact same thing first.  Here’s the WHOLE video:

Here’s what CNN posted — notice how they get close to Trump’s face so you can’t see what the Prime Minister is doing?

This might seem like a stupid thing to have to correct, but the main stream media bends over backwards to make sure the President looks like a buffoon.  He’s not.  It’s time they cover him honestly for once.

Image Credit: Screen Cap

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