May 15, 2014

I has been over 10 years since I owned a bike.  We are about to make a serious upgrade.   I don’t enjoy spending time in the car, but that is tricky with four kids to transport.  We are fortunate to have many of our destinations within close proximity in our neighborhood.  Still, little legs can still only walk so far and even if I have the energy to walk, I can only fit so many kids in our double... Read more

May 13, 2014

Summer is right around the corner, which means it’s time to start planning for summer success. That’s right–not just survival, folks, success. We can do this. Let’s pretend until it’s true… For all of the homeschooling mamas/papas out there, you have my absolute admiration and can start putting up your feet (like that will happen–ha!). But for the rest of us who send our kids to school– WE. ARE. ON. Here are a few things on my mind as I look... Read more

May 9, 2014

Good afternoon!  Just a few quick thoughts here on seasonal allergies and behavior in children.  The pollen has been kicking around here, I’m dusting my porch and cars off daily, and the lawn mowers are humming with a fresh grass smell in the air.  I am sneezing, my eyes are itchy, and I am getting some headaches.  Nothing severe, just an annoying part of the spring for me.  My sleep is generally poor during this time of year, and I... Read more

May 6, 2014

We are moving! After six years in our beloved house, we are moving just three blocks away to another home in our neighborhood that will give us some more room to grow. The decision to move was a tough one, especially because we have wonderful neighbors that have become great friends, but we saw this as a great opportunity for our family and we think that it is a good decision all around. Our move will happen in late-June, after... Read more

May 5, 2014

This isn’t going to be a terribly deep post…and may even be disjointed, so I apologize… but I just wanted to note that I’ve really been made aware lately of how dramatically different I exist now with a smartphone in my possession than I did before without it. The differences didn’t happen overnight as I’ve had one for almost three years. I will say as a caveat that a handful aren’t even necessarily bad differences…but… some of them are… I’ve noticed... Read more

May 1, 2014

Today, we are celebrating our daughter’s first birthday.  She is our fourth child, so we have a first birthday or two under our belts.   Yet, every time we go through the one-year mark, I am amazed by how much I still have to learn about this stage (or every stage, for that matter).  Is our house child-proof?  I thought so, until two weeks ago when our little lady started furniture walking.  What foods can make her choke at this... Read more

April 30, 2014

My 8 year old son recently told me I needed to be more like Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, who just understands children. In a certain sense I agree, I could be more patient and understanding at times, but with the huge caveat that I don’t have a cupboard full of magic potions to cure many childhood bad habits. We have been going through a “Heedless Breaker” stage (if you are familiar with the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle stories), and, while I am all for natural consequences,... Read more

April 29, 2014

The rain is steady outside my window. As it pitter pats, I sit here on the couch, retreating to my fuzzy slippers and fleece pullover. My 2yo daughter is to my right snuggled under a blanket. A steaming cup of coffee is to my left. Warmth fills my soul and God enters. Thank you, Lord, for the little times like these, the small ways you reach me when life seems to buckle under weightier things. It is often that I... Read more

April 24, 2014

For Lent this year, I focused on teaching my kids the Stations of the Cross.  I didn’t grow up in a Catholic family and only one of my children  is school age, so they haven’t been exposed to the Way of the Cross very much.  I made Stations of the Cross eggs and bought Way of the Cross coloring books from our local Catholic Book store.  We did a station or two as a family after dinner each night for... Read more

April 24, 2014

  Alleluia! Read more

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