This Week in Pro-Choice Prayer

This Week in Pro-Choice Prayer October 2, 2012

40 Days of Prayer to Stop the War on Women is a campaign by Faith Aloud, with a prayer a day beginning September 28 and leading up to the election.

Faith Aloud is a movement to give spiritual support to persons making reproductive decisions. As people of religious faith and conviction, Faith Aloud supports reproductive justice for every person. Our struggle for reproductive freedom includes issues concerning: abortion, adoption, choice, LGBTQ rights, Same-sex marriage, reproductive health and their intersections with faith and spirituality.

Here are the prayers for the first week:

Day 1:  We pray that women will be treated with respect and dignity by everyone who holds power.

Day 2:  We pray for elected officials, that the laws they champion will improve the quality of women’s health.

Day 3:  We pray for women for whom pregnancy is not good news, that they know they have choices.

Day 4:  We pray for our daughters and granddaughters, that they have the power to make their own good choices.

Day 5:  For the 53 million good American women who have chosen abortion, we pray that they find the strength to speak out for other women.

Day 6:  For women who have experienced sexual assault, we pray for laws that protect them instead of shaming them.

Day 7:  We pray for the end to unnecessary and invasive medical procedures before abortions.

I’ll be posting a week’s worth of the prayers at a time here, and encourage you to pray, share, and post them widely.


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