“Blessing Every Love Relation”:: A Pride Month Hymn

“Blessing Every Love Relation”:: A Pride Month Hymn June 29, 2015

rainbowAs a conclusion to a remarkable Pride Month, I’m delighted to share “Praise the Source of All Creation,” a hymn written by Rev. Jann Aldredge-Clanton “in celebration of marriage equality and with the hope that justice and love will keep moving from the courts to the hearts of all people everywhere.”  The hymn was written in 2012 for the Religious Institute’s first hymn contest, and is more than fitting in these days of celebration and organization for the work ahead.

About the words, Jann writes: “Words we sing in worship have great power to shape belief and action, helping congregations and individuals in our journey toward healing from sexism, heterosexism, racism, and other injustices.” Even with this recent victory, the journey continues toward inclusion, justice, and expanding our recognition of the human dignity of all.

The hymn can be sung to the tune of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, a familiar refrain for many:

“Praise the Source of All Creation”

(Genesis 1:1-27, 31; Proverbs 3:13-18)


Praise the Source of all creation, giving life throughout the earth,

blessing every love relation, filling all with sacred worth.

Celebrate all forms and colors, varied beauty everywhere,

streams of goodness overflowing, wondrous gifts for all to share.


Many genders, many races, all reflect Divinity;

many gifts and many graces help us be all we can be.

Partners on this path of freedom, taking down each stifling wall,

we will open doors of welcome, bringing hope and joy to all.


Long have many been excluded, judged and scorned by custom’s norms;

everyone will be included as we work to make reforms.

Let us end abuse and violence, bringing justice everywhere,

joining Holy Wisdom’s mission, helping all be free and fair.


Equal marriage, healing, freeing, nurtures body, mind and soul,

reaffirming every being, all created good and whole.

Come, rejoice and sing together, celebrating life and love;

praise the great Creative Spirit, living in us and above.

Words © 2012 Jann Aldredge-Clanton

(suggested tunes: BEECHER, HYFRYDOL, HYMN TO JOY)

For more of Jann’s beautiful work, head over to her blog or click here for other work I have shared.



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