“It’s My Favorite” Returns With a Pop Culture Gumbo!

“It’s My Favorite” Returns With a Pop Culture Gumbo! June 1, 2017


If, like me, you have an insatiable addiction to pop culture, this a great time. It seems like every week, there are numerous different options hitting various streaming platforms, much of it very high quality. Right now, my wife and I are halfway through the third season of “Kimmy Schmidt” and “The Keepers” on Netflix, both of them excellent. I want to savor those shows, but I’m also aware that I still have new episodes of “Master of None,” “Fargo” and “Better Call Saul” backed up behind me. And THAT’S not taking into account the summer movie season, which is well underway. And then, add to that, the plethora of great books, albums, podcasts and more. For pop culture consumers, there’s a feast of great stuff.

That’s one of the reasons I love co-hosting the “It’s My Favorite” podcast with my two friends, Matt and Beth. We started doing the show a little over two years ago, and it’s been one of the highlights of my month ever since. Sure, our audience is very modest. And I’ll be honest that it’s a homemade show all the way. None of that bothers me. Because what the show provides is an opportunity for me to sit with my friends once a month and talk about all the great pop culture things we’re consuming, followed by another episode that gives us a chance just to talk about anything on our minds. It’s a great release and always a great source of laughter.

As I stated a few weeks back, the last few months have been busy. School, work, vacations and life issues in general meant we had to forgo recording the podcast in April, so when we sat down last Friday night to record, we had a lot to discuss. Instead of our usual format, where each of us talks about one thing we’re enjoying, we created a pot of pop culture gumbo, talking about all the movies, TV shows and other things we’ve been enjoying in the past month. It’s a lengthy episode that manages to touch on “Alien: Covenant,” “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2,” and a bunch of TV shows. It’s a lot of fun, and I’m happy to bring it to you.

Just as fun was the episode we recorded after, which will go live in a week or so. It’s our monthly “Scoop du Jour” episode, where we talk about one particular non pop-culture topic. This month, given the time of year, we reminisce about summers past. I’m really excited about that episode and should have it up by next weekend.

I’m also hoping to integrate podcasting into this blog shortly. Last week I wrote about my Kickstarter for a podcast about Christian music. I’m still not quite sure what the future holds for that project, but I know that the interviews I’m currently doing will see the light of day one way or the other. And the opportunity I’m mulling right now is the possibility of rethinking that podcast as a tie-in to this blog. So if you like my voice and want to hear more about the work of Christians in pop culture, stay tuned. There’s more of it to come!

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