3 Prayers For Pastors And Spiritual Leaders

3 Prayers For Pastors And Spiritual Leaders November 24, 2015

Here are three prayers you can pray for pastors, elders, deacons, deaconesses, and any other spiritual leader you know.


Oh God, it seems that those who are doing the most for the kingdom are receiving the most spiritual attacks so please, I pray, protect those spiritual leaders who are on the frontlines of the battle with the enemy. Paul always asked for the prayers of the church (Eph 6:19) so I know it must be essential for me to pray for my pastor, deacon, elder, church secretary, treasurer, deaconesses, Sunday school teachers, and even the substitutes so I pray for them in our church that you would help to keep them from the evil one and to help them to remember to put on the armor of God You recommend I put on every single day (Eph 6:10-17). I know that they have the biggest target on their back as far as the enemy is concerned so protect them from the enemies fiery darts and please help inspire others to also pray for those who are our spiritual leaders in the church but also those spiritual leaders in my life like my senior mentor and in Jesus Great Name I pray, amen.



God my Father, I know You always equip every member of the body of Christ to make the church glorify You and do what You want but I know that sometimes I have doubts about how to do what you want me to do because we lack the funds…and in our church right now, there are many times when we want to expand into another ministry and not only minister to prisoners and nursing home residents, but also to others that we can reach out and touch and make a lifetime difference for the kingdom. I ask You to help me and the church to be able to do what we need to be doing, if it is Your will for us to be doing it and that is; reaching the lost, feeding the poor, visiting the prisoners, going to the sick, and so much more so God I am asking You to open up the windows of heaven and help our spiritual leaders do what they desire to do for Your kingdom and make provisions for them to do so. Oh God, I know that you will provide the way you’ve prepared for us to do and so I pray that we can do it mightily so we can boast of Your generosity and help us to take the gospel to all the world and in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.


God, You are preparing something marvelous to do through this church and I ask you to prepare the hearts of our leaders to bend to Your will and be sensitive to those things You desire to do. I pray we can hear Your voice clearly through Scriptures and good, biblical counsel. I ask you to prepare our leader’s hearts for the work of expanding the kingdom and to prepare my heart and the hearts of those in the church to seek to do your will, to live in holiness, to live a life that is pleasing to You, and to soften the hard ground of my own heart and make it more pliable and workable to Your desires and to do the same for our pastor, elder, deacons, and every spiritual leader in the church and for the glory and honor of the great name of Jesus Chris I pray, amen.


Prayer is not just a 911 call to heaven. It is the day by day communication to the Father Who hears our cries and listens to our prayers to give us every spiritual blessing there is. Pray daily for your spiritual leaders, whoever they may be, and ask God to protect them from the evil one, to send provisions for His work, and to prepare us and our hearts for the work that God has in store for us to do.

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren Church in Mulvane Kansas. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. You can follow Jack on Google Plus or check out his book Teaching Children the Gospel available on Amazon

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