3 Prayers For The Homeless

3 Prayers For The Homeless November 24, 2015

Here are three simple prayers you can pray to God about concerning the homeless who live in your area.

The Hungry Homeless

Great God, there are so many out there who have not only no place to sleep but nothing to eat. Help guide them to a place like a shelter or clothing and food pantry so that they might have something to fill their stomach. I know that You will come to help those who are unable to help themselves and those who receive no help in the coming kingdom. Until then, please give me discernment to know what do to for someone that’s homeless. Perhaps take them to dinner or buy them a sleeping bag and a gift card for food. Oh Lord, I look forward to the day when there will be no more pain, sorrow, suffering, death (Rev 21:4), and certainly hunger. Speed that day my God and for those who are hungry and lost, fill them with the Word of God and bring them everlasting life in Jesus’ name I pray.


The Homeless Veterans

God, my Father, our church has seen the homeless and the hopeless up close and met them in person and it so breaks our hearts to know that we cannot do more than our food pantry, clothing, and personal hygiene accessories supplies will allow. Sometimes all we can do is give them these things and then offer them is a ride to a shelter but how often God have these shelters already been full. Father, come quickly; send Your Son in righteous judgment as I know you will execute justice upon all who have oppressed the poor. I feel helpless to help the hopeless because when their hope is dried up, they have nothing left. Many of these hopeless and homeless are veterans who have not been able to make it due to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and it makes me literally weep for these men and women who served their country only to have their country not serve them. Our nation has let them down God and it breaks my heart for them. I pray you come quickly oh Lord and in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

The Homeless Hurting

Of God, there is so much pain in this world…it makes me want to see the kingdom come today. All too often I see people living under bridges, in cardboard boxes, with little or nothing to eat. Several churches have ministries that seek out these people in very hard places and so I am asking You to bless them and their ministries. God, use these homeless people’s problems to draw them close to You so they might have a saving relationship with You through Your Son’s redemptive work at Calvary. Help someone receive a bit of hope today but most importantly, give them the only hope in this life and the life to come that is found only in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). Even a small amount of hope is better than no hope at all. I pray I or someone else can give a homeless person who is hurting some hope. Many of them have lost everything but we can offer them the gift of everlasting life and they can inherit all things and for that is what I pray for the glory of the name I pray in, Jesus Christ, amen.


I hope these three prayers will help you to pray for those homeless around us. Homelessness is growing rapidly and soon, if not already, all of us will personally know at least one person who is homeless. I know of at least one already. I pray for Him and that God provides for His every need and when God does, that He glories Jesus name through which he prayed.

Article by Jack Wellman

Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren Church in Mulvane Kansas. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. You can follow Jack on Google Plus or check out his book Teaching Children the Gospel available on Amazon

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